12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
ONLINE PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION (See our notes on participating with ZOOM)
Sven Anders
Understanding the cycle of poverty, vulnerability and food insecurity in the Alberta context
Sven Anders is an agricultural economist with research and teaching interests in the economics of food systems, supply chains and agri-food trade. His research has studied consumer preferences and firm behavior in the context of food quality and safety, product differentiation and competition in grocery retailing and the impacts of food safety standards in international agri-food marketing and trade. Extensive travels and collaborative work with colleagues around the world fuel his curiosity about the many and important roles agriculture, food, energy and climate change play in today’s world.
Paswel Marenya
COVID-19 in the context of multiple challenges to food security in Kenya
Paswel Marenya is a Senior Scientist at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT). He holds MSc and PhD degrees from Cornell University. His research is focused on maize-based smallholder systems in eastern and southern Africa, and on the analysis of pathways and impacts of technology adoption within the framework of sustainable intensification.
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