9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Join the Rangeland Research Institute and Livestock Gentec for this field day!
Precision Management Tools: Innovations in Land and Animal Stewardship to Build Climate Resilience
Wednesday, July 20 | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (lunch included) | Roy Berg Kinsella Research Ranch
There is a drone for that!
- Construct spectral maps to dramatically improve the management of your pasture grazing (fertilizer, weed control, moisture levels).
- Autonomously track your “Smart” cattle via satellite-enabled ear tags or collars.
- Monitor cattle’s weight, heart rate, internal temperature, general activity, and health.
Using drones is quickly becoming the new reality along with the promise of Precision Ranching which is currently being developed by a team of researchers at the University of Alberta.
Professor John Church (Thompson Rivers University) will highlight the exciting new “state-of-the-art” drone technology currently being deployed on ranches in both Alberta and British Columbia, and how drone technology can be integrated with other technologies such as GPS-enabled satellite ear tags and wireless fencing collars to bring the 21st century to ranches.
- View the complete agenda here.
- More event detail here.
- For more information, check out the video below or contact Livestock Gentec at lsgentec@ualberta.ca or (780) 248-1740.