Mariah Casmey | RENR MSc Graduate Defense Seminar

Date(s) - 30/08/2022
9:30 am - 10:30 am

A graduate exam seminar is a presentation of the student’s final research project for their degree.
This is an ALES MSc Final Exam Seminar by Mariah Casmey. This seminar is open to the general public to attend.

Zoom Link:

Thesis Topic: Adaptation of white spruce to climatic risk environments in spring

Seminar Abstract: The timing of spring dormancy release and bud break in trees is an adaptive trait with potentially important management implications. Depending on how spring phenology is controlled, climate warming may disrupt the synchronization of bud break with the available growing season. Using a genetic common garden field trial, I found that the lowest heat sum requirements are present in populations originating from climate environments with short growing seasons and high rates of spring warming. The results suggest that assisted migration of southern sources northward is safe, but may entail a competitive disadvantage due to late bud break of transferred planting stock relative to local populations. Due to generally low chilling requirements, I do not anticipate de-synchronization of spring phenology with the growing season under climate warming in spruce, which could occur if high chilling requirements are not met.
