Dulani Kandage | ALES Graduate Seminar

Date(s) - 29/04/2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
150 South Academic Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton

Event details: A graduate exam seminar is a presentation of the student’s final research project for their degree.
This is an ALES MSc Final Exam Seminar by Dulani Kandage. This seminar is open to the general public to attend.

Zoom Link:  https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/96962141702?pwd=aWVUOEZZcnY2bnFoK291UEUrQ0d2Zz09

MSc with Drs. William Shotyk and Chad Cuss

Thesis Topic: Influence of Concentrations of V, Ni, and Mo in Soil Solutions on Plant Uptake and Accumulation by Hordeum jubatum L.


The impacts of V, Ni, and Mo concentrations in soil solutions on plant uptake in the absence of atmospheric dust were evaluated. A pot experiment was designed using soils collected from Lake Miwasin (LM), an engineered demonstration pit lake. The plants were grown inside clean-air cabinets (CACs). The comparison of the concentrations of conservative lithophile elements in plant samples collected from the CACs and those at the LM to that of the Upper Continental Crust highlighted the importance and necessity of distinguishing between root and foliar uptake of trace elements by plants. Plant growth was not significantly impacted by the applied concentrations of V, Ni, and Mo to the soil. The addition of these metals to soils increased their concentrations in plants, although the increase in Ni was not significant. This study highlights the considerations that should be taken when plants grown in dusty areas are destined for human consumption.

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