90th Forest Industry Lecture with Ellen Macdonald

Date(s) - 02/11/2023
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Mechanical Engineering Building, T6G 2G8, Edmonton

Ellen Macdonald from the University of Alberta presents at the 90th Forest Industry Lecture Series, for a presentation titled, "Revisiting ecosystem-based forest management: Do we really want to emulate natural disturbance?

We’re proud to host Professor Emeritus Ellen Macdonald at the 90th Forest Industry Lecture Series, for a presentation titled, “Revisiting ecosystem-based forest management: Do we really want to emulate natural disturbance?

Attend in person or watch on Zoom. A recording will be available afterwards.


Ellen Macdonald, Professor Emeritus. Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta

Macdonald is a forest ecologist who for the past 35+ years has focused on the ecology and sustainable management of northern forests. Her particular interests have been on forest regeneration and stand dynamics, understory plant communities, and relationships among these. She has endeavored to learn from forest responses to natural disturbance and apply these to improved management and restoration of forests. As an applied researcher, she has greatly valued the productive partnerships with industry and government, with the aim of having research results applied to practice and policy. She taught a variety of courses in the Forestry and Environmental and Conservation Sciences programs including forest ecology, environmental assessment, restoration ecology, graduate-level statistics, and field school – 30 times.  She has been recognized for research excellence by receiving Scientific Achievement Awards from both the Canadian Institute of Forestry (in 2014) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (in 2019). She was the 2019 recipient of the University Cup, the University of Alberta’s highest honour for excellence in research, teaching, and service.

Please contact Stacy Bergheim, FILS Administrative Assistant, Department of Renewable Resources or email fils@ualberta.ca if you have any questions or concerns.

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