9:00 am - 11:00 am
University Club, 11435 Saskatchewan Dr NW, Edmonton Alberta
Join us at U of A Days!
From past to present day, University of Alberta research has shaped canola as we know it—and benefited the entire human experience. Alumni from the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences (ALES) know this well. The Dean of ALES invites you to this annual opportunity to reconnect, and this year, delve into the breadth and depth of canola. Join us for a panel of canola and nutrition researchers, faculty, and industry stakeholders, who will showcase the impact and future of the intersections across ALES departments. Join us to celebrate the accomplishments and history of our diverse faculty and our alumni. Includes hot breakfast buffet.
U of A Days invites you—everyone is welcome!—to celebrate our connection to the Edmonton and Camrose communities and beyond.