Human Ecology Research Seminar with Adam Galovan

Date(s) - 17/10/2023
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

A Strong Relationality View of Mindfulness and Flourishing I-Thou Relations: A Dyadic Analysis

Associate Professor Adam Galovan presents as part of the Human Ecology Research Seminars.

The presentation will be held in person in HEB Room 301/305 and virtually via Google Meet. Refreshments will be provided!


Dr. Adam Galovan’s research program focuses on the question of what leads to and helps couples maintain meaningful and flourishing relationships. Dr. Galovan challenges the weakly relational assumption that underlies much of the current research on couple relationships, arguing instead for a strongly relational paradigm that views individuals as relational beings. In his substantive research, Dr. Galovan also advocates that researchers employ rigorous and sophisticated research design and methodology in studying families and that researchers consider how to effectively match their theoretical assumptions and research questions with their methodology. He has published methodological pieces and conducted methods workshops on various advanced quantitative approaches. He recently led a team that systematically reviewed over 750 longitudinal studies on couple relationship quality. Dr. Galovan currently serves on the editorial broads of the Journal of Family Therapy and Review, the Journal of Family Psychology, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and Marriage and Family review. 
